O f f i c i a l E v e n t
SGF Virtual Flag Day 2022
Institutions Involved
All 7 SGF Institutions
1st February 2022 - 31st March 2022
Fund-raising Purpose
Our children and youths live in a rapidly changing world. This calls for our institutions to better prepare their children and youths with knowledge, skills and values to meet the challenges ahead. Our family & community of 7 institutions under St Gabriel’s Foundation (SGF) will come together and strengthen its Montfortian Education Charter and combine their resources to develop our children and youths through educational programmes.
The community’s support has always played a key role in supporting our students. Due to the ongoing pandemic, SGF is embarking on a Virtual Flag Day to help fund its programmes and operations.
The SGF appeals to your generosity to make a donation of any amount. Donation of $10 and above will be eligible for 250% of tax deduction.
Why is there a need for the SGF?
Owing to the decline in vocations to religious life, there are not enough brothers left to effectively run the schools. To continue the Brothers’ mission, the SGF was established in 2001 to continue the good work of the Brothers in Singapore. Amongst others, the SGF conducts induction courses to introduce the MEC to new staff of our institutions. The Foundation is managed by a Board of Governors consisting of both brothers and lay people.
Why are we appealing for donations?
To fully implement the Montfortian Education Charter in our institutions, we need to rely on our benefactors to continue running our educational programmes and projects which are not considered standard activities funded by MOE. We go beyond academic educational programmes for our children and youths.
We therefore appeal to your generosity, as a stakeholder of the SGF institutions, to help us reach our goal of raising $100,000 through this event. All donors to the SGF will be entitled to 250% tax deduction (if applicable).
Use the button below to jump to our official portal, Giving.SG and make the donation. If you do not already have an account, do go ahead and register for one.
You can donate to us by keying in our UEN:
UEN: 200105928G
Under Reference No., kindly key in:
FLAG [space] NRIC* [space] Your Mobile Number
*Not required if you do not need tax deduction. Please provide FULL NRIC (including alphabets) if you would like tax deduction.
Event Inquiries
Please do use the form below should you have any inquiries on the Virtual Flag Day, or other aspects of the SGF. We will get back to you within 3 working days.
Alternatively, to contact us directly for Flag Day-related matters:
enquiry@stgabrielsfoundation.org | 6769 5711