Frequently Asked Questions about the Montfortian Gabrielite Education Institution
The Montfortian Gabrielite Education Institutions (MGEI) will comprise the six schools under the purview of the St Gabriel’s Foundation – Assumption English School, Assumption Pathway School, Montfort Junior School, Montfort Secondary School, St Gabriel’s Primary School, and St Gabriel’s Secondary School.
None of the six schools will be renamed. However, in their official designation, there will be an added subtitle: A Montfortian Gabrielite Education Institution.
For example: Montfort Secondary School – A Montfortian Gabrielite Education Institution
All six schools share the common heritage of being managed by the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, a Catholic Order who adhere to the teachings and education philosophy of St. Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. The Order is committed to empowering all children, regardless of family background, financial status or learning ability through the gift of education. For generations, they have been providing students with the means to realise their full potential, while imparting them with universal values that will guide them to be responsible servant-leaders in the community.
Moving forward, the St Gabriel’s Foundation is bringing all six schools together to allow them to leverage on each institution’s distinctive strengths and expertise, to realise a shared mission of preparing students for the future, through holistic education. This will offer them various pathways to excel and eventually pursue successful careers.
No, this is neither a merger of the six schools, nor the formation of a consortium.
The schools will continue to exist as six individual schools. Each school will retain its name, identity and traditions. This includes each school’s respective mottos, values and vision.
In cementing our shared mission and ethos under one banner, we will continue to honour and celebrate each school’s unique identity, and heritage, which will in turn, help strengthen the group.
Moving forward, all six schools will be able to tap on the benefits of being part of a large family of education institutions. This will enable greater collaboration between all six schools and more flexibility in the sharing of resources.
We are doing this so our students will benefit from having access to a greater pool of resources, facilities, and expertise. This will create more options for students in both their academic and non-academic pursuits.
No. Each of the six schools will continue to operate from their existing campuses.
However a key part of this grouping will be allowing each school to specialise in specific academic and non-academic areas, and then sharing this expertise with the rest of the group.
Students from each school will be given the opportunity to participate in lessons as well as Co-Curricular activities and enrichment programmes from across the six schools.
Each of the six schools currently has its own unique expertise and signature programmes. Pooling these expertise and resources will allow us to provide more pathways for our students in both academic and non-academic fields.
In 2018, we conceived of this grouping, to provide more options in terms of subjects, and Co-Curricular activities for our students.
Moving forward as a Group, we will be creating multiple platforms for staff from both schools to collaborate and provide a broader offering of courses and programmes for all students.
We are confident that we can provide a holistic education for all our students and equip them with the necessary skills for the future economy, while achieving our common vision of guiding each child to realize their fullest potential and become an example for others.
There is now an urgent need for our schools to adapt to trends such as digital transformation. We believe our schools can better navigate these changes together by combining resources and drawing on the existing talent and expertise in each of the six institutes.
• More options and electives for students in all six schools, by pooling together staff, facilities and programmes
• Virtual classes/remote teaching to enable students to attend lessons/ programmes in another MGEI to minimize the need to commute between schools
• Industrial attachments and internships to be made available to students in the four secondary schools, to better inform their decisions on potential career paths and subject specialization
• Opportunities for students to enroll in academic and non-academic programmes, not offered in their own school
• Broader offering of academic subjects and CCAs to students • Setting up of Sports Academies in each school to nurture talent in specific sports
• Student exchanges in academic and non-academic programmes, as well as friendly matches and sports tournaments across the six schools
• Opportunities for staff to teach students across six campuses, and for students to learn across six schools • Cross-training for teachers across the six schools and more opportunities for subject specialization and staff development
No. Current students will retain their places in each of the six schools.
Plans are being made for students in any MGEI school to be given the opportunity to enroll in subjects, programmes or Co-curricular Activities in the other MGEIs.
Some of these classes or programmes could involve remote learning, with students attending the lessons and workshops virtually.
We recently conducted a pilot for student exchanges in various learning programmes across three of the schools – Montfort Secondary, Assumption English and Assumption Pathway.
Montfort Secondary hosted coding lessons. Assumption English School conducted a workshop on advocacy, while Assumption English School held baking classes.
This pilot was well received by students and students across the schools.
On April 30, 2021, the St. Gabriel’s Foundation announced the launch of the Montfortian Gabrielite Education Institutions.
Moving forward, the six schools will continue to work together to explore more opportunities for student exchanges, as well as devising plans for students to learn across the six schools.
Students’ enrolment will not be affected by this Grouping.
This will continue to be determined by the Ministry of Education’s enrolment exercise.
Yes, students in Montfort Junior and St Gabriel’s Primary will continue to enjoy affiliation with their respective secondary schools – Montfort Secondary and St Gabriel’s Secondary.
Similarly, children of alumni from Montfort Junior and St Gabriel’s Primary will also continue to enjoy affiliation with their parents’ respective alma maters during the Primary One enrolment exercise.